
Creative dynamism



Prof. Dr. Constantin Țurcanu

Patent and Trademark Attorney

European Patent Attorney

Authorized industrial property assessor

Also, an inventor’s feature is the creative dynamism, the concentrated energy state, focused in research direction. Inventors are always active people, who cannot waste their time, who “find” work. It should also be mentioned here that the wish to solve the given problem, more precisely the intensity of this wish is a particularly important factor. The saying “wanting is a half of being able” is well known.

The famous invention’s definition remained from Edison: “1% inspiration and 99% sweating”.

This aphorism actually reflects the more general, energetic concept of creation. Everything can be expressed in this world, finally energetically. We have before us a medieval castle, an activity of some missionaries in Africa, and a trademark. Do they have anything in common? Can they be compared? Yes! Through the effort man-days necessary for achievement.

And when no more energy exists, the body is exhausted, nature no longer allows itself the luxury of wasting forces for creation, keeping its energy for survival.
How is energy saving produced during the creation act? Strong motivation, passion, have the role of an enzyme, a catalyst; a so-called “psychic minimization of effort” occurs, creative works seems easier, the ability to engage in effort – much increased.
Inventors are characterized by the fact that they see easily “with mind’s eyes”. They think visually, imagining mentally complex mechanisms. They substitute themselves to some machine’s pieces or parts, they feel intuitive heat flows, force fields, etc.

It is obvious that, in machinery field, it is necessary, in addition to a static visualization ability and a dynamic visualization ability, within which the machines, sub-assemblies, pieces are in relative motion, or within which the semi-finished product is gradually changing supporting all the processes that lead it to final piece.
As we can represent with mind’s eyes, the static or dynamic image, more or less detailed of a known technical object, we can also represent, imagine new solutions representing one of the basic incentives of engineering creation.

The ability to visualize is a result of natural endowment and training. Regarding this aspect, the future engineers are subjected to an orderly training, by studying descriptive geometry, industrial drawing, machine’s parts and mechanisms disciplines in which the weight of constructive-functional descriptions is and must remain important. From this point of view, the absolutization of presenting exclusively in principle of the solutions and total elimination of a detailed constructive-functional presentation, the tendency which diminishes the visualization ability of technical creator, must be combated. The very memorization of a constructive-functional solutions, sometimes combated, develops the visualization ability.

The literature mentions the role of chess game in developing the visualization ability, especially of “blind” analyses.
The inventor’s mental features are also called “eureme” in specialized literature.
A special mention needs to be made about researcher’s, inventor’s lifestyle. If in art or literature a disordered lifestyle does not affect the elaborated works, at least according to those known from artists’ lives, in the technical field the situation is completely different.
In fact, the modern physiological researches also shows what we all know: the body is an unitary whole and its finest system – the nervous system – the source of creative force, cannot work optimally if the rest of the systems have an unsatisfactory functioning. If divergent thinking can produce when there are imbalances in the body, the convergent thinking, which must necessarily accompany technical creation, in order not to be born monsters, imposes a healthy body.

Practicing physical exercises in childhood, youth and adulthood ensures a good functioning of all body’s organs that are genetically programmed for moving.
If one abuses of the intellectual effort and does not periodically, daily and weekly balance the body through movement, the fertile period of the creator will normally be limited.
Sleep, the nervous system’s recovery period must be observed.

The diet needs to be balanced with fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamins, slightly hypocaloric, without monotony to ensure the oligoelements. For researcher, small meals and several times a day are preferable. After the ingestion of a larger amount of food, the influx of blood being in the digestive system, a slowness of the intellect occurs.
The alcohol, the tobacco and coffee cause an additional excitation of the nervous system, a whipping above the physiological level.

Occasionally, it uses, but the researchers who cannot avoid their excess are shortening their fruitful period of achievements.
It follows from the above that most of them have the necessary features to carry out a creative work in their field of activity; however, it remains to make it easier to highlight these features.


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