Ec. Otilia Bodomoi
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Before registering trademarks at OSIM, there is the issue of creating new trademarks; it is noted that most marks are word marks; with these it is also the easiest to work with, respectively to check if the brand is registered.
The same with regard to the documentary research of antecedence for trademarks. Next in weight are combined, word marks with a special graphic, or which have added a graphic element.
This is the path often used to bypass a previous verb mark. Inventa Industrial property attorneys have an important role in this stage of brand protection at OSIM. Since the word character of the combined mark is taken into account in the examination, it is recommended when choosing a mark that it be combined.
Another category is figurative brands, made up of fantasy elements. They come closest to the basic definition of the brand, which states that the brand is a distinctive sign, with the purpose of distinguishing the products or services from those of other companies.
Currently, the way of making the mark has diversified, being able to protect as a mark designs of labels with a complicated script, slogans or three-dimensional marks.