
The psychology of creation



Prof. Dr. Constantin Țurcanu

  • Honorary Chairman of the Romanian Chamber of Patent Attorneys (CNCPIR)
  • Chairman of the Supreme Council of Industrial Property
  • Patent and Trademark Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney

INVENTA – Our team is renowned for its ability to identify and resolve the whole area of legal issues which may appear in connection to trademarks, patents, utility models, industrial designs.

Studying the creativity factors in science and art, it was found that in both fields the basic factors are sensitivity (regarding problems, needs, other’s feelings), fluency (fluidity or associativeness of thinking), flexibility (the ability to quickly adapt to new instances, to react adequately to changes), originality, the ability to redefine, to restructure, to find new values and uses, the analitical capacity and ability to combine more components in order to give them new functions.

More specialists in creative psychology agreed that the main cognitive component of creativity is thinking flexibility.
Thinking flexibility, which means the prompt and adequate restructuring of information, of the knowledge system, accordingly with the new instances requirements, modification of the approach when the previous one does not prove effective, has the opposite of rigidity of thinking, inertia and psychological barriers, the stereotypical way to approach the problems, impossibility of changing the angle and ways of approaching and solving the problem.

The basic creation techniques, such as transfer, extrapolation, generalization, inversion, biassociation, etc., are typical for flexible creative thinking.
For technical creation, the flexibility must be trained, and the flexibility of thinking of the future inventor can be ensured, apparently paradoxically, by a continuously effort of convergent thinking, in order to aquire fundamental knowledges of mathematics, physics, mechanics, resistance of materials, while specialized training, depending on how it is done, can favorably or unfavorably influence the creative capacity.

Flexibility is also, to a large extent, the capacity of human mind to use alternately, in a dialectical chain of comprehensive-reproductive convergent processes and of those divergent, associative-combinative-creative.

Technical creation cannot be the exclusive result of divergent thinking, since the three basic attributes of an invention: absolute novelty, applicativeness – technicality – and superiority, can be only established through a convergent-creative analysis.

The assessment can be postponed, or temporarily suspended, but not permanently removed. Even in case of using some psychointuitive methods such as brainstorming, or synetics, the divergent thinking, without any restriction, represents only one phase of the creative process.


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