Prof. Dr. Constantin Țurcanu
Patent and Trademark Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Authorized industrial property assessor INVENTA
Our team is renowned for its ability to identify and resolve the whole area of legal issues which may appear in connection to trademarks, patents, utility models, industrial designs.
Who can be a creator?
Almost everyone. The possibilities of human brain are practically limitless, and in everyday life a part of these possibilities is used. However, the necessary knowledges will have to be assimilated beforehand and then, depending on innated skills and training, more or less new solutions will be obtained.
If results can be achieved through a training that requires training periods of years long, it is true that there are also people skilled in this field; these people find new, original solutions, with great ease, and as much as dozens and thousands during a lifetime.
The creation concept is quite large; thus the creative activity can be also considered finding of a better solution for hunting or for housing the primitive man. Also the solutions found by children in their play have a creative component.
People without a theoretical training – such as Stephenson was for example, can produce enormously for humanity. The innated, hereditary component, is decisive in creation. Of cource when conditions are not favorable, these talents do not manifest. According to various authors, environment has a weight that reaches between 10 and 40% of the total creative possibilities. But this does not mean that we must have a passive attitude regarding the creation phenomenon; conditions must be created for as many as possible, to manifest this skill that they may not even know they have.
Regarding the personal characteristics, the creator is an enthusiast. He is the type of man who gets excited quickly, enthusiasm being a youth characteristic. It should be known that the creative performances are the prerogatives of young age. Classically, in mathematics, the statement is done till 25 years old, and in other sciences till 35 years old.
Currently, with the increase of the amount of knowledge’s required for a prestigious achievement in science and technology, this limit was pushed up to almost 50 years old.
However, those who keep their youth characteristics, are enthusiastic, even though they are older, have better chances to extend the fruitful period, of original innovations.
The extremely conscientious, typical elements – as they say – are much more useful socially, but in other directions; in original creation it is difficult to assume that they will achieve results.
Rich imagination is creator’s characteristic. This is manifested in all directions, not only in profession. In children, this faculty is highly developed, but unfortunately education fails to develop it, but on the contrary to reduce it. The school also, through the student’s assessment, according with good behavior and memorization, does not stimulate the independence of thinking at all. The teachers being older, sometimes they become scholastic, does not approve student’s innovations; they feel the atmosphere and comply. Thus many times, the school becomes a mean of introducing knowledges in conscious or subconscious, producing performers, but not a mean to form some potential creators of new.

If in high school this is really more difficult to achieve, the university has the task of educating the students so that they should further develop the techno-economicals fields in which they will be active. Imagination as mental feature is more native; instead, it can cultivate the dreaming ability, which is not lacking from a child, young and even an adult person.
Sometimes, dreaming is good; in excess it demobilizes the student from daily tasks and it is harmful. A balanced person dreams a little, but also imagines a little.